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profile-icon Robin Harris
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Banned Books Week (September 26-October 2) was founded in 1982 in response to a sudden surge in the number of challenges to books in schools, bookstores and libraries. It brings together the entire book community in shared support of the freedom to seek and to express ideas.
In honor of Banned Books Week, Jonathan Gronli moderated a discussion on intellectual freedom between Librarians Edward Remus and Mary Thill, and Dean of Libraries Steven Harris. Through the discussion, they cover experiences with book challenges, their thoughts on the library's role in preserving intellectual freedom and fostering information literacy and open discussion. Click here to enjoy the video!

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profile-icon Robin Harris
No Subjects
                            Latinx/a/o Heritage Month recognizes and celebrates the contributions of people tracing their roots to Spain, Mexico, Central America, South America and the Spanish-speaking nations of the Caribbean have made to American society and culture. Please enjoy these reading and viewing recommendations in honor of the month. All materials are available as e-books or online resources through the NEIU Libraries.
And check out the Latinx/a/o Heritage Month events led by faculty, staff, and students that celebrate, honor, and recognize the work and lives of the Latinx/a/o community.

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