The objective of this assignment is to guide students in the exploration of antibiotic resistance research by identifying and beginning to analyze a peer-reviewed primary paper. Students are encouraged to use NEIU library resources to select a research paper that relates to our course research topic, antibiotic resistance.
If you remember only 3 things, let it be these:
Find everything? Really?
Not quite -- the "Everything" search scope includes references to articles in addition to books, videos, maps, etc. Databases are still the most efficient way to search for articles, though.
Right here. Right now.
If you are actually in the library and want to leave with an item TODAY, use the NEIU Libraries scope to find things we have on our shelves.
Have a little time?
We are very fortunate to be part of CARLI, a consortium of more than 90 academic libraries that lends materials across the state, quickly (usually 2-3 days at most). Use the All I-Share Libraries scope to search across all CARLI libraries.
Filters, just like with online shopping.
For instance, if you want to find materials available online, search for your terms then select:
NEIU Libraries subscribes to dozens of search tools that are not freely available online. We pay annual subscription fees for these resources. You can access them anytime, from anywhere with your NEIU NetID and password.
For this class, we will take a look at one database, Academic Search Ultimate, from the Biology subject databases list.