We're pleased to announce that our new library website, as well as our new search tool, have just launched! The new site offers a more modern look and user-friendly experience, including one search box for everything--print, electronic, and digital--and just one login for all library resources. You'll be able to use your NetID and password to request items through the NEIU Libraries and interlibrary loan, manage your renewals, and save lists of items. More advanced users can still access our hundreds of subject-specific databases (such as JSTOR and PsycInfo) directly through our Databases & Online Resources.
All I-Share libraries have moved to this new system, and things look a little different, but we've been working hard for this to be as seamless as possible. We think you'll like the updated interface and functionality to make the most of your library searching. If you want to learn more, please check out our Introduction to Research at the NEIU Libraries Guide for tutorials and information on how to find books, e-books, articles, journals, streaming media, and more, and contact us at Ask a Librarian if you have any questions!