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Art + Design Research Guide
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Art + Design Research Guide
Guide to art and design research resources available at NEIU.
Images and Media
Web Resources
Career Guidance
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Jackie Zook
Art + Design
Academic program information websites
Majors and Degrees Available at AICAD (Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design) Colleges
AICD is a consortium of 35 art schools in the United States.
Peterson's Graduate Schools
Click on "Advanced Search" to search by program, location, and degree level.
Career guidance
Arts and Design Occupations
Occupation data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Art & Media Career Paths
Includes helpful information about what to expect for specific jobs.
Books and videos
Search the NEIU Libraries Catalog for books and videos on careers in the arts.
Careers for art history majors
Guide maintained by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
Careers for studio art majors
Guide maintained by the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
Chicago Artists Coalition
Includes calls for artists, a job board, professional development opportunities, and artist stories.
College Art Association (CAA) Career Center
Creative Hotlist
A dedicated career resource for creative professionals in visual communications.
Design : Talkboard
Includes helpful pointers on the business of graphic design.
Web Resources
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