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English Research Guide

Librarian-selected resources for students of English literature and composition.

Request Library Instruction

Library instruction sessions support your course curriculum and prepare students for research-based assignments, in coordination with the Library's Information Literacy Plan. Face-to-face or online library instruction can range from individual research consultations with students to an in-class lecture and workshop.

Librarians are available for:

  • one-on-one research consultations via Google Meet, chat or email
  • course-related library instruction sessions, either real-time or recorded
  • course embedding in D2L
  • in-person instruction sessions, if needed

Please complete the NEIU Libraries Instruction Request Intake Form to arrange a session for your class.

Please note: A two-week advance notice is greatly appreciated (and necessary) to best accommodate instruction requests, especially if you would like a recording. Please take that into consideration when planning library instruction.

You and your students are also welcome to visit the first floor Reference Desk or call (773) 442-4410.

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