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Nontraditional Degree Programs Research Guide

This guide includes library resources that will be helpful to you as a student at NEIU.

Request Library Instruction

Library instruction sessions support your course curriculum and prepare students for research-based assignments, in coordination with the Library's Information Literacy Plan. Face-to-face or online library instruction can range from individual research consultations with students to an in-class lecture and workshop.

Librarians are available for:

  • one-on-one research consultations via Google Meet, chat or email
  • course-related library instruction sessions, either real-time or recorded
  • course embedding in D2L
  • in-person instruction sessions, if needed

Please complete the NEIU Libraries Instruction Request Intake Form to arrange a session for your class.

Please note: A two-week advance notice is greatly appreciated (and necessary) to best accommodate instruction requests, especially if you would like a recording. Please take that into consideration when planning library instruction.

You and your students are also welcome to visit the first floor Reference Desk or call (773) 442-4410.

Add a Librarian to Your D2L Class!

Request that a librarian be added to your D2L site. The librarian can build a library module with tools for students to use for research, participate in discussions, and be available to students as needed. 

Add a Library Tutorial to D2L Course Page

The NEIU Libraries' produced a suite of video and print tutorials aimed at teaching students information literacy concepts and skills to acquaint or assist them with library research.

You can access the tutorials via the Introduction to Research guide.