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History Research Guide

The Textbook Issue

When planning your class, please remember that the Library does not purchase course textbooks and many students have difficulty affording them. What can you do? You have some options:

  1. Put one or more of your personally owned copies of the textbook on Course Reserve at the Library. This allows your students to check the textbook out for a short borrowing period (from two hours to overnight, for example) so that multiple students can access the book(s) (and make photocopies, if need be) over a short period of time.
  2. If you require your students to purchase the course textbook, please be sure to order it well in advance of the beginning of the semester. Check to make sure the campus bookstore has your textbook in stock before you start assigning readings from it. Students come to the Library's Reference Desk in desperation each semester because their reading assignments have begun and the campus bookstore doesn't have their textbook in stock.

Do you have other suggestions? Let me know at

Research Your Publishing Impact

Check out these resources for more information about journals before you submit your research for publication:

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