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Music Research Guide

Librarian-selected resources for students of music.

Tips for Finding Specific Materials

The "Advanced Search" option is recommended for searching music materials

  • You may use the search boxes on this page without making any other changes, however, if you would like to narrow your search results to books, consider doing the following:
    • Uncheck the box next to "Academic Search Complete" (which includes journal article citations) under "Databases"
  • Choose "Books" in the drop down menu under "Format"
  • Limit your search by holdings in the  NEIU Ronald Williams LibraryI-Share Libraries (a shared consortium of 90+ research libraries in Illinois), or Libraries Worldwide (a database containing more than 2 billion holdings in the libraries in the world)
  • All search limits are optional, so use as many or as few as you need

Books ABOUT a Composer, Conductor, Musician or Instrument

Under "Enter search terms in at least one of the fields below," click in one of the drop down boxes and choose "Subject."  Then enter the person's/instrument's name

Books BY a Composer, Conductor, or Musician

Under "Enter search terms in at least one of the fields below," choose the box with "Author." Then enter the person's name

Keyword Search

For more general searches, enter a keyword search either in the search box on the Library Home Page (the default search is keyword), or by choosing a "Keyword" search under the "Advanced Search" option