Most of the classroom education materials are located in the Curriculum Materials Collection (CMC) on the 3rd floor of the Main Campus Library. The CMC includes textbooks, teacher resource guides, and fiction and non-fiction written for preK-12.
Search the NEIU Libraries' catalog to find these materials. Best practices include:
Call number examples:
To find journal articles, choose an education subject database. These are the two most common:
Index of journal articles, books, theses, curriculum guides, conference papers, standards, and guidelines on a wide range of education topics. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education.
Provides full text of articles from over 350 journals as far back as 1996, in addition to indexing of more than 770 periodicals dating back to 1983.
An empirical article reports original research based on actual observations and experiments. In contrast, a theoretical article uses existing research to present a new theory or advance an existing theory.
ERIC | PsycInfo | Academic Search Ultimate* |
*There is no single way to find empirical articles in Academic Search Ultimate. In this, and many other databases, consider adding one of the following search items to your search: