References to articles, books, and more on the psychological, social, and behavioral sciences, 1806 to present.
Information about and reviews of all English-language standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, psychology, and related areas, 1938 – present.
PsycTESTS is a repository of over 40,000 psychological measurement tools developed for research but not made commercially available. NOTE: Many of the tests are available in full, but please know that if you do not see a link to the full text, we are unable to place interlibrary loan requests for tests and measures.
Abstracts in Social Gerontology features over 110,000 records (1966-present) that cover a variety of subjects related to aging.
The premier source for the literature of social gerontology and includes aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy,
Online collection of videos on social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
Index of journal articles, books, theses, curriculum guides, conference papers, standards, and guidelines on a wide range of education topics. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education.
References to articles from over 10,000 full text journals on a wide range of academic areas. Included is a searchable collection of images plus videos from the Associated Press from 1930 to the present.
Provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses, and medical educators access to scholarly journals on many medical disciplines. Provides indexing, abstracts, and full text for hundreds of nursing and allied health journals, many of which are peer reviewed.
This database, formerly called PILOTS, is produced by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD. The database provides citations and abstracts to the worldwide literature on PTSD and other psychological effects of trauma.
References to articles and other publications on social work, human services, and related areas, 1979 to present.
In this video, you will learn how to create and use keywords based on your research topic to search in an academic database.
Length: 1:28