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Psychology & Gerontology Research Guide

Guide to Library Resources in Psychology and Gerontology

Accessing Tests and Test Reviews Online

CMC Test collection (print) - NEIU Ronald Williams Library, Circulation Desk

NEIU Libraries maintains a collection of 381 print tests and measurements in education and psychology known as the CMC Test collection. The CMC Test collection is located behind the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Ronald Williams Library. Click the link above to display the library catalog records for tests in this collection. Note that you may use the search bar to search for a specific keyword (like 'intelligence' or 'personality'). The majority of the tests in this collection are related to education.

Tests in the CMC Test collection may only be accessed in the library and may not be circulated outside the library. To visit the library and access a test in the CMC Test collection, undertake the following steps:

  • Reserve a two-hour block of time to visit the library during the library's open hours.
  • Email Ed Remus, Social Sciences Librarian, at Inform him of the day/time of your reservation and of your intent to access an item in the CMC Tests collection. Ed will then coordinate with the library's circulation desk staff to ensure that you are given access to the test upon arrival.

Measurement and Assessment Scales (Print Resources)

The following books include tests and measures:

Measurement and Assessment Resources

These books are useful reference resources but do not include full tests:

Psychological Assessment Journals